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(Unless noted in bold, all parts of the plants are harmful to pets)



  • Allamanda vine

  • Angel’s Trumpet

  • Anthurium

  • Azalea (Rhododendron species)

  • Bee-still tree

  • Black-eyed Susan (Abrus precatorius), also called rosary pea and bead vine, seeds

  • Bird of Paradise (Strelizia regirae), fruits and seeds

  • Caladium

  • Candlenut tree (kukui), especially sap

  • Cassava (tapioca), leaves and roots

  • Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) also called pa`aila and kamakou, seeds

  • Cestrum (‘alaaumoe). berries Chinaberry (‘inia), all parts but especially fruit

  • Crown flower (milkweed family) also called pua kalaunu

  • Crown of Thorns

  • Cup of Gold and Silver Cup

  • Daffodil (Narcissus), bulbs

  • Dumbcane (Dieffenbachia)

  • Elephant Ear, also known as ‘ape

  • Foxglove, leaves, seeds, juice and flowers

  • Gloriosa Lily, especially roots

  • Hawaiian Poppy (pua kala)

  • Hens-and-Chicks (Lantana)

  • Hydrangea, especially leaves and buds

  • Ivy (many varieties), leaves and berries

  • Jerusalem Cherry

  • Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) or thorn apple and kikania haole

  • Kawa or ‘awa in Hawaii

  • Lilies such as those popular at Easter

  • Mushrooms

  • Nightshade, also called deadly nightshade and popolo including Apple of Sodom, Jerusalem cherry and Cockroach berry

  • Oleander, (all varieties including be-still tree), all parts

  • Pencil plant , sap

  • Periwinkle (vinca)

  • Plumeria (frangipani) also called pua melia

  • Philodendron (all varieties), small to monstera

  • Poinsettia, leaves and flowers

  • Pokeberry and Coral berry

  • Pothos (Scindapsus aureus)

  • Red Sage (Lantana camara), especially leaves and unripe berries

  • Rhododendron

  • Rhubarb, leaves

  • Slipper flower, especially sap

  • Star of Bethlehem or pua hoku

  • Taro, when raw

  • Tulip, bulbs

  • Umbrella Plant (Cyperus alternifolius)

  • Wisteria, seeds, pods

  • Yew, needles, bark and seeds



June 2001 Hawaiian Humane Society 

castor bean
crown flower
pua hoku
pua kala

Most Common Human Medications Toxic to Pets


  1. Pain relievers ........(Advil, Aleve, Motrin, Tylenol)

  2. Antidepressants .........(Cymbalta, Effexor, Zoloft)

  3. ADD/ADHD drugs ......................(Ritalin,Vyvanse)

  4. Sleep Aids ...................(Cymbalta, Effexor, Zoloft)

  5. Muscle Relaxants .....................(Flexeril, Lioresal)

  6. Heart Medications ....................(Cardizem, Cartia)

Who to call:

If your veterinarian is not available in a poison-related emergency, the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center at  

888-4ANIHELP  (888-426-4435) is available 24 hours a day. The service costs $45 per case (by credit card). Veterinary health professionals trained in veterinary toxicology handle the cases. The center will do as many follow-up calls as necessary in critical cases, and at your request will contact your veterinarian.



Popular Yard Plants In Hawai'i

That Are Potentially Toxic:



Aloe vera, from the liliaceae family, does have toxic potential—both the outer portion and the inner, liquid portion. Aloe contains saponins, which can produce vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression, and tremors in companion animals. Due to the high probability of ingestion, we generally do not recommend using the plant as a salve on pets.


Avocado is poisonous to some animals. It contains Persin. The primary concern with avocado in dogs and cats is gastrointestinal upset, namely vomiting and diarrhea, but we know that some dogs and cats do eat avocado without having adverse reactions. Birds, rabbits, and some large animals are especially sensitive to avocados, as they can have respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the heart, and even death from consuming avocado. Not recommend avocados for dogs, cats, or other pets.


Hibiscus species can be potentially toxic, possibly causing significant gastrointestinal upset that could lead to dehydration. Drooling, loss of appetite and depression are also possible. Typically, these effects are seen in cases of single exposures to a significant amount of the plant material, rather than the chronic ingestion of small amounts. However, due to its toxic potential, it's advised to keep hibiscus out of your dog’s reach.


Norfolk pine (Araucaria heterophylla) could potentially produce vomiting and depression. In some cases, a drop in body temperature and pale mucous membranes have been reported. Based on this information, we recommend that you don’t let your cat nibble on this plant.





Plants in Hawai'i that may harm your pet...

Anchor 6

Hawaiian Humane Society

2700 Waialae AvenueHonolulu, Hawaii 96826

Phone: (808) 356-2200

Fax: (808) 955-6034





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